The Raven 440 features 3 boom section control, two programmable application rates, readouts for speed, volume applied, field area and distance traveled. The 440 has a ten year non-volatile memory to retain the information programmed into the console.
The Raven 460 console features 7 boom section control, two programmable application rates, readouts for speed, volume applied, field area and distance traveled. The 460 has a ten year non-volatile memory to retain the information programmed into the console.
The Raven 660 has similar functions as the previous controllers. The 660 can be used for automatic control of both Liquid and Granular products. There is also an upgrade option to allow the 660 to receive communication from a computer for variable rate application.
Optional interface cables provide connection to Raven'sViper Pro and Envizio Pro Displays for swath control and guidance.
SCS Spray Consoles Raven spray controllers have set the standard for outstanding performance, reliability and operation for decades. Our full line of system consoles is specially designed to meet your different application needs. And when you’re ready for the next step up, we have a multi-function field computer waiting for you—and a simple way to make the transition with our Switch Pro™ controller.
The Switch Pro™ control console is designed to help growers move up to a new level of precision. Simply replace your Raven SCS 440, 450 or 4400 spray console with Switch Pro—and pair it with our Envizio Pro™, Envizio Pro II™ or Viper Pro™ field computer. The end result is automatic on-off section control, with access to a new world of precision for greater savings and productivity.
NH3 Application Systems
Raven has raised NH3 application technology to new levels of performance by adding AccuFlow HP™ (high performance) to its AccuFlow™ line. The new Patent Pending AccuFlow HP system is uniquely designed with unrivaled capacity—the kind you need to run at higher speeds and colder temperatures than ever before. Paired with your Raven control system, AccuFlow and AccuFlow HP super cooling NH3 technology gives you superior accuracy and control over your applications for higher yields, less waste and lower input costs. It’s that simple.
Direct Injection Systems
The Raven Sidekick Pro™ direct injection system sets a new standard for chemical applications of every type, with unprecedented precision, savings, and safety. No tank mixing required—and with the industry’s first automatic calibration feature, you’re ready to go in minutes. The whole system is amazingly simple—and pays off with greater precision, higher yields and unrivaled efficiency.