Finish first in the field with the LB1 Low Boy Wagon!

Here’s the winner, the LB1 LowBoy. An adaptable fertilizer wagon that pulls ahead in the field, with category-leading engineering to accept nearly any NH3 tank backed by Duo Lift’s legendary build quality.
We have truly defined the meaning of "Universality" with our "New" LB1.  This unit has been designed to accommodate twin 1,000 gallon or 1,450 gallon NH3 tanks.  There is also an option to accommodate a single 2,000 gallon or 3,000 gallon "Shorty" NH3 tank. The LB1 comes standard with an adjustable rear axle, from 92" to 120" Track Width.

DL LB1_Medium
DL LB1 Adjustable Tank Leg Pads 2

The Right Running Gear for Your Tanks -
accepts single tank or twin tanks up to 3000 total gallons:

  • Adaptable fertilizer wagon with adjustable tank leg mounts to accommodate four tank sizes
  • Low center of gravity for quick, confident handling and towing
  • Complete turn-under steering for ultimate maneuverability in the field
  • Engineered to keep you moving in the field to increase profitability
  • Adjustable Rear Axle track from 92" to 120”, allows for early season side dressing
  • Same common options and configurations as on other Duo Lift Low Boy's now available from factory or aftermarket – i.e. Brakes, lights, front/side steps
  • Optimal for spring application, fall application and early season side dress
  • Complete with our exclusive Five-Year Warranty