This plumb crazy beast will soon be rolling thru the Indiana countryside.
She started life as a sludge unit in Nebraska-- we gave her a new lease on life.
*2008 International pay star 5600, factory plumb crazy paint.
*525hp Cummins ISX smoke generator
*Ultra deep 18 speed gear box
*Deluxe interior
*48" hi-floatation shoes all the way around
*5500 gallon read it right 5500
*85/55 Benson boom.
*3" custom main plumbing and valving
*2" open flow boom plumbing
*Richway shut off system
*John Blue main product pump
*Krohne mag meter
*Raven cab control
*Full camera system
*Total custom design by the owner/pilot and Linco Precision.
Thank You to the Linco shop personnel for thinking WAY outside the box and getting this done.